Every field has its own verbiage that is used. The same words can mean something different, depending on where it is being used. With that said, there are common terms used in the forex world. If you
How to Trade with the Fibonacci Retracement Tool
Traders are often on the look out for tools that would give them a trading edge. It may be an indicator, a charting tool, a trading strategy, basically anything that would give them an advantage over
Discover the Most Valuable Currencies in the World
There are several factors to consider when it comes to determining the value of a currency. These include the stability of the country’s political climate, the strength of its economy, and the overall
How to Trade with Heiken Ashi Support and Resistance
Markets based on tradeable instruments such as stocks, bonds, forex, cryptocurrencies and commodities may sound very sophisticated. It may be because of those movies showing how
Control What You Can; Let Go of What You Cannot
It is important to understand the difference between what you, as a forex funded trader, can and cannot control. Successful traders are well aware of what is in
A Trader’s Routine
Mike Murdock said, “the secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine.” This holds true in the forex trading world as well. We understand that every individual is unique with different routine
Momentum Scalp Forex Trading Strategy
At the beginning of a new candle, there is often a few minutes wherein price don’t seem to move much. This is because many astute traders know that as a candle forms, other traders would make decision
Ways to Expand and Diversify Forex Trading Portfolio
COVID-19 has touched people’s lives in ways that nothing has before. Recently, hundreds of thousands of people began their trading journey during the pandemic for the very first time. Without knowing